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Luveve, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Easy to socialise with, don't like too much repetition, very energetic, very passionate about my work and friends. Very open minded but opinionated. Principled and believe in honesty..saying it like it is..

Tuesday 20 September 2016

They must all retire and be back benchers, we have many young capable leaders.

"Implementing the electoral reforms is tantamount to reforming ourselves out of power”~ Professor Jonathan Moyo Minister of Higher Education

Such public statements of defiance do not help build bridges of understanding that can lead to finding amicable solutions to move the country forwards. It's like seeking dialogue with someone who has already made up their mind that they will never agree to your idea of nation building.

From my position, our party may have brilliant ideas that may take time to be transformed to visible outcomes, but one of our biggest barriers is financial resources to ensure our message and ideas can reach every citizen in every corner of Zimbabwe. A sincere level playing field would make it possible for any aspiring candidate to share their message using all available mediums of communication, but our current environment does not give us that opportunity.

Like Dr Maxwell Shumba highlighted in one of his public posts new political parties are accused of splitting votes and coerced into joining coalition platforms with larger existing political parties to discourage them from winning over support from their membership base. Most of the leaders of current opposition like Mugabe have considered leadership renewal within their party's, even in serious ill health they hoard those positions of authority but we expect aspiring leaders to accept such and join their rank and file. No they must all retire and make way for fresh ideas.

We also have leader's who were expelled from Zanu PF now being presented as saviours coming to rescue the opposition as they are said to know the inside strategies of Zanu better than everyone else. These leader's seem to have unlimited campaign resources as they even have funds to hold rallies in neighbouring countries yet the country's economic situation is in tatters and many ordinary citizens are struggling for the basics because of a very high unemployment rate. So where do they get such funding to run endless campaigns?

We are urged to use silent diplomacy and not publicly criticise them in any manner as we will need them in a coalition against Zanu PF, remarks like who does not have any negative spots on them are used to brush off sentiment that may well enlighten the electorate about their false campaign promises. desperate are we for political relevance? More than 36 years as part of government but they are still hungry for power and relevance. Is it because they were not courageous enough to defy the leadership or because they were too comfortable and never imagined that one day they may also be victims of the same system that they built?

Zimbabweans 'WAKE UP!'...

I too can keep up public appearances by ensuring I am in the mix where our media has their focus of attention, make video's just like pastor Evans Mawarire and all others demanding answers from this failing government, visit the Gukurahundi graves to try touch the emotions of families of victims of that so called 'moment of madness', but is that the politics that we want in Zimbabwe? Are these sloganeering campaigns and demonstrations improving our socio-economic and political environments?

When are we going to have alternative examples to compete with the current government? What's the purpose of our elected MP's in parliament if they can not fight for policy changes that create an environment that allows citizens opportunities for growth.
Let's not force everyone to bow to the 'big tent' mentality where the size of your support decides the relevance of your ideas, we need more inclusivity and flexibility than 'entitlement'.

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