Brief Background Profile

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Luveve, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Easy to socialise with, don't like too much repetition, very energetic, very passionate about my work and friends. Very open minded but opinionated. Principled and believe in honesty..saying it like it is..

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Transformational Leadership

One empowering thing I have learnt about leadership is it's not about giving instructions but showing good example.

I have been working as part of a diverse team of individuals from diverse backgrounds on a new political project for Zimbabwe called Freedom justice Coalition Zimbabwe since 2010 volunteering  in various aspects of the projects development during my free time.

Apart from that I have also tried to maintain consistent focus on my personal growth and that of my immediate family, which includes pursuing part-time study as academic qualification is used as a barometer for success and apportioning respect in most African societies. I have also started several small business initiatives in both the U.K and South Africa and more recently setting up in Zimbabwe as I prepare for a more permanent return to my country of birth.

I do sometimes get the urge to pursue further academic study to Phd level just to prove a point that when one puts their mind to something they can accomplish their goals but another voice tells me that I need to first try apply what ever knowledge I have gained so far from both experience and learned knowledge to practical outcomes that have a positive impact on humanity. Whilst on the other hand I worry about the time i will need to spend on study rather than practically getting involved in activities that in some way may also offer me an opportunity to learn from experience.

I have had many of my fellow 'freedom fighters' in this journey dropping off or side stepping to rather focus on their academic pursuits which I totally understand and respect as that is what they feel is most important to them in their life pursuits. Perhaps in my retirement age I may consider returning to study just as a matter of principle and satisfying my ego in terms of meeting those high academic achievements.

Most of us generally put too much trust in others when it comes to collective responsibilities in terms of working towards common objectives. We expect them to have the same standards and put the same amount of effort in our quest to attain our collective objectives forgetting that we all have our unique strengths and weaknesses and come from different socio-economic environments which do not necessary give us the same opportunities and space to meet the demands of team work.

Experience has also taught me difficult lessons about working remotely and away from any activity, have lost money on a lot of potential investments deals from different partnerships because of working away from the action, lost a lot of opportunities because of not being at the right place at the right time because of my physical location at the time.

All this for me means there are some things that one needs to be physically present if they want to see the fruits of their efforts, otherwise one ends up in a cycle of doing the same thing over and over again hoping they may one day find a working combination that synthesises with their aspirations in a manner that leads to visible outcomes.

The journey continues....

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